School District of Clay County
Green Cove Springs, Florida
Teacher Inservice Center - Fleming Island High School
2233 Village Square Parkway
FEBRUARY 1, 2007 - 4:00 p.m.

February 1, 2007 Workshop & Special Meeting

Call to Order
1. Attendance
Minutes: Present:  Carol Vallencourt, District No. 1; Carol Studdard, District No. 2; Wayne Bolla, District No. 4; and Lisa Graham, District No. 5.  Charles Van Zant, District No. 3, participated by telephone conference from Kuwait due to military deployment.  Superintendent David Owens was also in attendance at the meeting. 

Workshop Items
2. Discussion and Direction on School Capacity Definition
Attachment: FISH.pdf

Capacity is defined as the lesser of the F.I.S.H. student stations or the cafetorium core capacity.  Maximum school enrollment by school level shall be established by School Board Policy.

3. Discussion and Direction on Level Of Service Standard

Elementary     =  110%

Junior High     = 100%

High               = 110%

Combination   = 100%

4. Discussion and Direction on Concurrency Service Areas
Minutes: The current recommendation is to utilize school attendance boundaries as the concurrency service areas.
5. Discussion and Direction on School Minimum and Maximum Enrollment Size Policy
Attachment: SchoolSize-EnrollmentIssues.pdf

See the Attachment for information concerning the school size policy and maximum school enrollment issues and recommendations.  Newer schools, because of the addition of muti-purpose space to the cafetoriums, have a capacity core that does not reflect the intended size of the school, resultings in schools that are too large.  Other schools are under utilized and small schools should be defined as to a minimum size.  The school size policy will be drafted for School Board review and approval for advertising at the regular meeting on February 15, 2007.   

6. Discussion and Direction on 2007/08-2011/12 Initial Planning Timeframe Initiatives
Attachment: LOSPlanning.pdf

See the Attachment for implications to level of service and initiatives that are included within the initial 5-year Concurrency Plan.  This planning document was presented and explained to the School Board in detail on January 18, 2007. 

7. Discussion and Direction on 2012/13-2015/16 Long Range Initiatives
Attachment: CorrectivePlan.pdf

See the Attachment for implications to level of service and initiatives that are included in the 3-year long range corrective plan. 

8. Discussion and Direction on Oakleaf Area Schools and Elementary School "X" Timelines and Grade Structures
Attachment: Oakleaf-LakeAsburyAreas.pdf

See Attachment for priority needs and options for new schools in the Oakleaf and Lake Asbury areas.  The recommendation is to maintain Elementary "W" (Oakleaf East) on schedule with a K-5 grade organization.  Delay Elementary "Z" (Oakleaf West) to 2009-10.  Maintain Oakleaf School as a K-8 until 2009-10 with the 6th grade coming from Elementary "W'S" attendance boundary and west of Branen Field Road.  Advance Elementary "X" (Lake Asbury) to 2008-09.  These recommendations will officially be brought to the School Board at the regular February meeting. 

There was brief discussion about the advantages of going to a K-5 grade configuration for the new Elementary "W" school.

9. Discussion and Direction on Junior High "PP" Enrollment Implications and Timeline
Attachment: JUNIOR HIGH PP ANALYSIS plotter.pdf
Attachment: JuniorHighAnalysis.pdf

See the Attachment for the junior high analysis, including pop region growth projections.  Basically, there are four options regarding Junior High "PP: "  1) to build it utilizing one of three presented scenarios, 2) to build a new junior high west of Fleming Island, 3) to redistrict existing junior highs, or 4) to increase the concurrency level of service standard to 110%.

10. Discussion and Direction on School District Representative Voting Status on the Planning and Zoning Commission
Minutes: Following discussion led by Jim Connell, Director of Facility Planning, the School Board gave consensus to request voting status on the BCC Planning Commission, with the voting member being a school district staff member.  A resolution will be developed for approval at the regular meeting on February 15, 2007.  This voting status will allow the school district to go on the official record if a request is not in the best interest of the school district.
11. Discussion and Direction on Local Government Zoning and Approval Processes and School District or Board Participation
Attachment: CCPC-BCC Review (2).pdf

Mr. Connell reviewed the current process for approval of zoning requests.  (See Attachment)    There was discussion about the School Board's level of involvement and input on the requests, but the timing for the Board to give consensus or denial on each zoning request prior to Planning Commission Meetings will be a problem.  The Board's representative will continue to convey the school district's consensus/denial in writing and, when possible, to also voice verbal objections when a zoning request is not in the best interest of the school district.  It was also agreed that the school district's representative would e-mail all school board members the written conveyance when it was submitted, thus providing information on a current basis negating the need for quarterly reports in the future.

Action Items
12. HRD Update List of Out-Of-Field Teachers
Attachment: FebSpecOutofField2107.pdf
Attachment: ADDENDUMFebSpecOutofField.pdf

Approve Out-Of-Field appointments/redesignations as requested, including the addendum with additional names for approval.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Lisa Graham
Wayne Bolla- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Aye

13. Division of Human Resources - Special Actions
Attachment: February2007 Discipline.pdf (Confidential Item)

Approve the item as presented in the attached information.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Wayne Bolla
Second: Lisa Graham
Wayne Bolla- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Aye

Superintendent's Requests
14. ESOL/Reading Endorsement Update
Minutes: Denise Adams, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, gave a brief update on what the school district is doing, as well as the Department of Education, to ease this burden on teachers.  The DOE has given some relief by reducing the combined hours from 600 to 420 for those teachers impacted by both areas.  Among other things, the school district has expanded the course offerings to two classes during the school day and is providing substitutes for teachers to attend these classes.  The course materials are also being updated.

School Board's Requests
15. Mr. Van Zant's Deployment
Minutes: Mr. Van Zant's ability to hold office while serving on military deployment has been questioned by a constituent.  School Board Attorney Bruce Bickner has researched this, and finds no violation of any state law or DOD directives.  The matter was reviewed by a JAG officer who confirmed that there was no violation of DOD directives.  Mr. Bickner also found no requirement that Mr. Van Zant take a leave of absence from his elected position during the deployment as he was fulfilling all of the duties of the office.  

16. The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

